Concious Uncoupling
Ending a relationship is difficult. But when done with respect and in a way that enables both people to maintain their dignity, it is easier for everyone involved.
“Concious Uncoupling” means to seperate in a way that allows both people to live “happily ever after”, without destroying each other in the process of seperating.
While this sounds good in theory, in practice it is very difficult as even a “good” seperation is very challenging. There are simply so many little things that can go wrong which derail what started out as an amicable process.
I support couples or individuals to move through the process of seperation in a way that is respectful and peaceful. This is especially worth considering if you have children, or shared friendship groups or work interests.
A new way to seperate
Good intentions are not enough
Again and again I hear from couples that decided to seperate and said they would “stay friends” or at least not “fight”, but then somehow lost their way.
This is not suprising, as
- the injuries of the past,
- the misunderstandings,
- the lost dreams and hurts,
- the broken agreements and
- general overwhelm
very quickly derail the process and spiral into a cycle of blame and conflict. Each person is suffering in their own way and its easy to blame the other person.
Unfortunately it is usually the children who suffer the most in separations.
Concious uncoupling - seperating on good terms
How I can support you
Common Questions
Ideally both partners do this process together, however sometimes this is not possible. Yet even when one partner decides to seperate in a respectful and peaceful way, it changes the dynamic and makes the process easier for everyone involved.
No not necessarily. Sessions can be done individually, or together depending on your current siuation. Sometimes it helps to do individual sessions and then to come together once conflict has deescalated.